Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Economics of our Environment

Would you believe me if i said something as simple as an inch of snow or a 40 mph wind effects our economy? What about the weather on a much grander scale? Do tornadoes in California really have that profound of an impact on the Economy in Japan or England? If you said no, you might be wrong...
Take a look for instance at the Flood that wiped out the Indonesia Capital of Jakarta, waves as big a 6 to 7 feet slammed into the city stranding thousands. How could a devastating storm millions of miles away have any effect on the U.S.'s economy? Indonesia is the largest clothing producer in the world, followed closely by Vietnam. If the town goes underwater, the production of a t-shirt decreases for that plant, increasing the price or shifting more work to other factors, also increasing price. All as a side effect of some water.
Or look at the effects on the Economy, after Hurricane Katrina. Practically the entire city and 1/2 the state of Louisiana was under tens of feet of water.Buildings were destroyed, millions of people were evacuated of stranded and more than ten off shore oil drilling rigs were damaged. The economy for that area literally stopped, oil production was slowed to a halt and besides the people who chose to stay behind were gone. Oil prices sky rocketed and donation stations as well as thousands of rescue workers were sent in to clean up. New Orleans at one point in time, was the min stay in economy due to it's placement near the Mississippi River and Gulf Coast. People didn't travel as much and saved more. Even the sports world was feeling a hit, loosing the arena's and stadiums in New Orleans. All over a hurricane.

1 comment:

McCabeBaby42 said...

I like the post. I think that we need to be aware of the way that all this effects our economy. Its amazing how the happenings of the environment miles away can affect our economic ways. We are just getting over the effects that Hurricane Katrina had on our oil prices. The way that the weather effects our money spending is unpredictable, and causes a lot of families to come to a hault and recognize their specific wants and needs.
